L'Artillerie Volante

Tout comme ils ont adoptés les Hussards et leurs Uniformes, de nombreux pays se sont également dotés d'unités "d'Artillerie Volante" vêtues à la Hussarde - qui ont comptés parmi les plus beaux uniformes de leur temps.
Cette Artillerie légère, troupe d'élite héritière des avancées de Frédéric II, était essentiellement employée au sein de Divisions de Cavalerie.
Rapidité d'intervention, audace, panache...des caractéristiques que n'auraient pas reniées les vieux Houzards !

Artillerie de la Garde Impériale Artillerie de la Garde Impériale
Maréchal-des-Logis Lieutenant André Lieutenant Lieutenant Capitaine de Noüe Lieutenant-Colonel

Pays-Bas Suède
Rijtende-Artillerie Kunglige Wendes Artilleriregemente

United Kingdom
Royal Horse Artillery

The Royal Horse Artillery sported one of the most handsome uniform of the British Army.
This superb uniform was the pride of that proud Elite unit - which translated into Artillery vernacular : when a Gunner Officer was promoted to the Horse Artillery (for it was considered a promotion), he was said to have been "given the jacket". 

While the Hussars changed their jackets to longer tunics after the Crimean War, the Royal Horse Artillery stuck to their short jackets.
They also kept a much more ornate lace pattern.
These elements really contrast with the Hussar order of dress, and on post-1850s photographs, they can quite easily be told apart, as can be seen on the photograph to the right.

RHA also attached the busby lines on the left breast, contrasting with the Hussars who attached theirs on the right side (see photo).
Contrarily to hussars, RHA busbies did not sport a boss.

RHA and Hussar Troopers


Major Gaspard le Marchant Tupper Colonel Phillpotts  Major

Field Officer

Captain Borradaile  Officers of A Battery, E Brigade
(late Bombay), RHA

Veterinary Surgeon

Assistant-Surgeons Lieutenant
Afghan War Veteran

Cabinet Cards

Lieutenant Assistant-Surgeon Lieutenant Captain Trumpet-Major

Other formats

Officers & NCOs of N Battery at Meerut c. 1896

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