Squadron A, New York National Guard

Carte de Cabinet, studio Anderson, New York.
William David Judson, Squadron A, New-York National Guard.

Le Squadron A trouve son origine dans un club militaire appelé 'The City Troop, New York Hussars', fondé le 6 Décembre 1884.
Ce club avait pour objet social l'entraînement militaire ("military drill"), entraînement qu'il pratiquera à la Dickel's Riding School, West Fifty-sixth Street, le vendredi soir.
Début 1885, le Captain Spencer, U.S.Army, sera engagé comme instructor in tactics.
Le 22 février 1885 déjà, le New York Times laisse entendre que les New York Hussars seraient sur le point de demander leur admission au sein de la Garde Nationale - avec l'assentiment du General Alexander Shaler, First Division Commander
C'est que le besoin d'unités de Cavalerie se faisait sentir au sein de la Garde Nationale de l'Etat de New York - qui n'en disposait plus depuis 1877.

Le New York Times rapporte le 4 Septembre 1886 que nos cavaliers, connus maintenant sous le nom de First Hussars, se comptent entre 30 et 40 et demanderont leur admission dans la Garde Nationale de l'Etat dès que leur Registre Matricule comptera  51 membres.

C'est finalement le 2 Avril 1889 que les Hussars forment la Troop A, intégrée à la Garde Nationale de l'Etat de New York. Elle est commandée par le Captain Charles F. Roe, retraité de la Cavalerie de l'U.S.Army, ancien de West Point et vétéran des Guerres Indiennes - qui insufflera une bonne dose d'expérience et de discipline aux gentlemen qui la rejoignent.
Le 29 Avril suivant, la Troop A fera sa première apparition dans les rues de New York, équipée, en armes et en uniforme (alors très fonctionnel, la tenue à la hussarde ayant été remisée).

William David Judson est né le 22 Septembre 1870 à New-York.

Il rejoint la Troop A comme private le 10 Avril 1894.
C'est exactement trois mois plus tard, le 10 Juillet, que fut posée la première pierre de l'Armory, son futur quartier général, à l'angle de Madison Avenue et de la 94th Street.

En Janvier 1895, la Troop A interviendra à l'occasion des émeutes qui accompagnèrent la grève des traminots de Brooklyn - patrouillant les rues pendant dix jours dans le blizzard.
La capacité des troupes de cavalerie à maîtriser les émeutes y fut particulièrement remarquée, et les effectifs augmentés - le 4 Mars 1895, la Troop A devenait le Squadron A, formée de deux Troops, 1  et 2 - le tout sous le commandement du maintenant Major Roe.
Judson sera affecté à la Troop 2 (Captain badgley) le 5 Mars.

C'est donc le Squadron A qui investira le 7 Juin 1895 son emblématique quartier général de l'Armory, au frontispice de laquelle est gravée sa devise "Boutez en avant" (en Français dans le texte).

L'année 1896 vera l'adoption de la grande tenue à la hussarde par le Squadron A ; le New York Times annonce dans son édition du Mercredi 20 Septembre :
"Drills in Squadron A will commence on Monday evening, Oct. 5, with Troop 1, Capt. Oliver B. Bridgman, drilling on Monday and Tuesday evenings, and Troop 2, Capt. Howard G. Badgley, drilling on Thursday and Friday evenings. One-half of each troop will drill on its respective night. The annual meeting of the squadron will be held on Thursday evening, Oct. 1.
The application of Major Roe for permission for the squadron to adopt a distinctive full-dress uniform has been approved y Adjt. Gen. McAlpin, and the squadron will be equipped with the new uniform at once, which will be worn in future parades and affairs of ceremony. The new uniform, which is of hussar pattern, will be very attractive."

Cette année encore, le Squadron A est augmenté d'une Troop 3 (Captain Latham G. Reed) le 5 Décembre - le nouvel uniforme aura-t-il procédé d'un recrutement fructueux ?
Judson est nommé artificer peu après, le 22 décembre.

Le nouvel uniforme du Squadron A sera remarqué l'année suivante, lors du service d'escorte fourni lors de la réception du Président McKinley fin Avril 1897. Le New York Times du 27 Avril rapporte : "They were in their new uniforms, which are of a Hussar pattern, of navy blue, with orange trimmings".

Mais l'activité classique d'une unité de la Garde Nationale reste les séances d'entraînement, comme le rapporte le New York Times le Mercredi 9 mai 1897 :
A Stiff Breeze Played Havoc with Some of the Men Who Had Entered. 
Over Two Hundred of the Troopers Turn Out for Practice - Twenty-third Regiment Men Also Test Their Skill.
A stiff little breeze yesterday morning and in the latter part of the afternoon played havoc with the efforts of some of the aspirants for marksmanship honors at Creedmoor, but otherwise it was an ideal day for shooting. Not a cloud dimmed the bright azure of the May sky, nor were the rays of the sun too piercing to make it at all uncomfortable for the boys in blue. Two hundred and thirty men of Squadron A, comprising Troops 1, 2, and 3 of New York's pet cavalry, and 222 men of the Twenty-third Regiment, Brooklyn's "ours", turned out for practice, and acquitted themselves to the entire satisfaction of their officers.
Troop 3 of the squadron is composed virtually of recruits, as its members only enlisted last Fall, but they did quite well, considering their lack of practice. The individual score and summary follows : 


200 Yards 300 Yards Total
Artificer W.D.Judson 4 4 3 3 4-18

 3 5 3 4 3-18


C'est cette année là que l'artificer William David Judson se fera faire ce beau portrait par la maison Anderson.

En début d'année un article paraît le 23 Janvier dans le New York Times, qui nous décrit la vie du Squadron A ; en voici des extraits:
(...) The armory has its main front on the east side of Madison Avenue, occupying a frontage on that avenue of about 201 feet and extending back 104 feet on Ninety-fourth and Ninety-Fifth Streets to where it joins the Eighth Regiment Armory. The two armories, which together occupy an entire block, have the appearance of one building, constructed externally in the architectural style known as the Scottish Baronial.
The construction is of brick laid in red mortar, with trimmings of Lake Superior sandstone and terra-cotta. The concrete basement containns the stable, saddle room and a pistol range 200 feet long. The stable is commodious, light, and airy, with wide aisles and so much unoccupied space outside its hundred stalls that its eighty-od horses might be doubled without crowding the capacity of the great room.
Directly above the stable is the riding hall, 197x87 feet, surrounded by galleries for spectators and rising through the centre of the building to the roof of glass and iron, through which it receives air and light.
The main entrance to the armory is on Madison Avenue, and the exit for the squadron is on Ninety-fourth Street, which is on a level with the south end of the riding hall. The space between the riding hall and the Madison Avenue front is taken up by the stairways, the Quartermaster's, the doctor's, and the armorer's quarters.
On the north and south sides of the armory are pavilions about 50 feet wide, extending the depth of the building from east to west, and forming second and third stories. The second story of the south pavilion contains the rooms of the officers and non-commissioned officers ; also locker, bath, and toilet rooms. The third story of the same pavilion is the gymnasium, complete with all the modern appliances for physical development.
A meeting room, with cloak and ladies dressing rooms, occupies the main space on the second story of the north pavilion, while above it are the troop kitchen and living apartments for janitor and armorer.
Monday, Wadenesday and Thursday nights are devoted to troop drill. The cadet corps, composed of young men from seveteen to eighteen years old, occupies the riding hall on Friday evenings, and the recruits on Tuesday evenings.
Each troop numbers seventy-five men, and large as the riding-hall is, only half that number can be exercised to advantage at one time in mounted evolutions. For this reason one-half of the troop is drilled on foot, or in the manual of the sabre, while the other half is engaged in the mounted drill, and then an exchange is made. The cadet corps of recruits each numbers something under forty members, so that the thirty-five horses owned in common by the squadron are ample to mount as large a body of troopers as is desirable to drill in the riding hall at one time. Besides these animals are forty-five private horses in the stable, and such arrangements are maintained with the riding schools that in a case of emergency the entire squadron could be mounted in two hous from the time a summons reached the armory. The recruits are a body corresponding in some respect to the waiting list in a club, but differing from such candidates in the fact that they are already in the vestibule and only waiting for full membership. If a number of one of the troops should die or be permanently injured in the riding hall, so as to necessitate resignation, a recruit would be sworn in immediately to fill the vacancy.
The organization resembles a club in other social customs. "Smokers" and entertaiments for various purposes are held from time to time in its assembly room and outside of their homes. The readng hall is always free to members of the organization. For business the Squadron confines itselfto the State uniform, but on special occasions of parade it appears in amore showy dress consisting of a sky-blue tunic with black frogging and shoulder knots and yellow collar and cuffs ; the hat, a fur busby with black pompon and pendant yellow top, the trousers of sky-blue with broad yellow stripes terminating in troop boots. The men are armed with sabres, Springfield repeating carbines, and Colt's revolvers.
The creation and maintenance of Squadron "A" is alike honorable to the officers who are in command and to the enthusiastic young men who constitute its rank and file. The squadron is a credit to the city and to the State, and belongs emphatically to the new order of the National Guard, whoich exists no longer for ornament, but for use. The officers of the squadron are :
Field and Staff-Major, Charles F.Roe, commanding ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, John L. Holly ; First Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Louis V.O. Donohue ; First Lieutenant and Commissary, Guilford Hurry ; First Lieutenant and Inspector of Rifle Practice, Reginald H. Sayre, M.D. ; Captain and Surgeon, Thomas H. Allen ; First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon, Medwin Leale ; Captain and Chaplain, the Rev. D.Parker Morgan, D.D.
Line Officers-
Troop One-Captain, Oliver B.Bridgman ; First Lieutenant, Henry W.Williams ; Second Lieutenant, Arthur W. Corning.
Troop Two-Captain, Howard G. Badgley ; First Lieutenant, Frederic R.Coudert ; Second Lieutenant, Louis M. Greer.
Troop Three-Captain, Lathamm G. Reed ; First Lieutenant, Herbert Barry ; Second Lieutenant, Philip C. Sus."

Cette année là, Judson participe de l'organisation de la cavalcade annuelle du Squadron A dans leur fief de l'Armory :
"The annual mounted tournament of Squadron A will be held at the armory on Tuesday evening, March 1, when Major Roe's efficient cavalrymen will show their skill and daring in the following events : 1. riding double ; 2, low reach at a gallop ; 3, tug of war mounted ; 4, pointe race ; 5, team wrestling ; 6, novelty race ; 7, rough riding class ; 8, head cutting, with hurdles ; 9, mêlée. Th eentries will close on Feb. 15, and the committee in charge is Sergt. Maclay and Private Dominick of Troop 1, Corp. H.C.Smith and Artificer Judson of Troop 2, and Sergt. Frelinghuysen and Corp. Ward of Troop 3."

Il s'y distinguera d'ailleurs :
Squadron A's Troopers Gave an Exhibition of Rough Riding at Their Armory.
The Cavalrymen Stood at Full Tilt in Their Stirrups-Contests at Which Many were Unhorsed but Unhurt.
Few of the spectators who witnessed the annual games of Squadron A at the squadron's armory, Ninety-fourth Street and Madison Avenue, last night ever had the good fortune to see the wild rivers of Russia, the Don Cosacks, who, having been accustomed to the saddle from early childhood, seem when they are matured and in the service of the Czar to be perfect Centaurs. Most of the spectators, though, had read of the fierce Cossacks, of their wild charges while standing erect in their short stirrups, and of the numerous feats of horsemanship ascribed to them.
The evolutions last night of the rough-riding class of the squadron recalled those tales of the Russian riders, for Capt. Bridgman's men have been trained in all the arts of the wild horsemen, and they stood erect in the stirrups, and were apparently as much at ease as if they sat a Mexican saddle. (...)
The novelty race, which was won by Artificer Judson, was the most laughable affair of the entertainment. Four of the troopers each deposited a dress-suit case, a high hat, and an umbrella at one end of the ring, and then returned to the other end and mounted their horses at the word of command. their object was to reach the dress-suit case and carry it to the other end of the ring, where they were to open it, don the nightshirt it contained, and then returned to the other end of the ring and carry the hat and the open umbrella back to the starting point. All four succeeded in donning the shirt, but only two succeeded in carrying the open umbrella back safely. The latter would catch the wind, and almost draw the rider form his horse. (...)" 

Judson sera promu Corporal le 25 Avril.
Quelques jours plus tard c'est l'annonce de la Guerre entre les Etats-Unis et l'Espagne - le gouvernement fera appel à des volontaires de la Garde Nationale pour l'intervention de Porto Rico.
Le New-York Times nous relate dans son édition du 29 Mai cet épisode majeur dans la vie du Squadron A :
"(...) When the request was made for a poll as to how many men in the would volunteer for service in the army for two years, between 90 and 95 volunteered, every man's name being listed and forwarded to general headquarters, who later decided to accept one troop out of the three in Squadron A and Troop C of Brooklyn. In order to make the selections in Squadron A each of the three troop commanders put the names of his men in a hat. There were eighty-four men to be chosen all told. This left twenty-eight to a troop, and the names drawn out from the hat were the men selected. Capt. Howard G. Badgley being senior officer had the choice, and took command of the volunteer troop, and Capt. Bridgman being second senior was left in command of the squadron. All the non-commissioned officers in the troop now in the field will be given their old places in the squadron on their return."

 La Troop A, New York Volunteer Cavalry voguera pour Ponce à bord du transport Massachussets le 3 Août, et servira notamment d'escorte au General Miles. Elle quittera Porto Rio à bord du transport Mississipi le 3 Septembre suivant, rejoignant New York le 10. Ses membres se verront accorder un congé de 60 jours avant d'être libéré du Service le 28 Novembre 1898.

Il ne semble pas que Judson ait fait partie de l'expédition ; si le Deke Quarterly (revue du Delta Kappa Epsilon, une fraternité à laquelle il appartenait) de 1899 indique qu'il servit à Porto Rico au sein de la Troop A, ceci n'est pas mentionné dans ses états de Service annexés au très officiel "Annual Report of the Adjutant General" de 1909.

Le Squadron A organisera des jeux à l'été 1899, comme relaté le 9 Juin par le New York Times :
Field Games Held - Major Bridgeman Receives the Troop.
PEEKSKILL, N.Y., June 8. -The field games of Squadron A were held this afternoon. This morning the troopers went through the usual drills, and, as the weather was much more comfortable than the previous days, there was considerable improvement in the work of the soldiers. All the morning trains from New york brought visitors to camp, and when the games began this afternoon at 3 o'clock there was a large crowd on hand. Corporal Judson won the head-cutting competition, the tent-pegging contest, and the novelty race. The potato race was won by Trumpeter H.E. Holt, who also captured the low reach at gallop. Sergt. Wright won the hurdle race.
During the afternoon Major Bridgeman held an afternoon tea at his tent and received the members of the squadron and the visitors. During the tea he wore a handsome gold-mounted sword, which was presented to him at nooon by members of his old troop, Troop 1. The presentation speech was made by Capt. Camon.
Cl. Holly is erecting a crematory in the valley south of the pumphouse for the disposal of all vegetable matter and refuse of the camp. The officer of the day to-morrow will be Capt. Reed. Lieut. Barry will be officer of the guard."

William D. Judson est promu Sergeant le lendemain, 9 Juin 1899. 

En Avril 1900, le Squadron A reprendra du service pour museler la grève des carriers du barrage de Croton sur la rivière Hudson.
Ces opérations de maintien de l'ordre furent dirigées par le Major-General Roe, ancien commandant du Squadron A, et commandant la Garde Nationale de l'Etat de New York depuis Fécrier 1898.

On retrouvera William D. Judson aux manœuvres de Mai 1900 à Creedmoor, ainsi que le relate le New-York Times le 6 Mai : "SQUADRON A AT PRACTICE; 
Cavalry Organization's Scores on the Range at Creedmoor. 
MAJOR GENERAL ROE ATTENDS Skirmish Firing Engaged In for the First Time According to a New Regulation.
Squadron A engaged in target practice at Creedmoor Range yesterday. Major Gen. Roe was on the range during the afternoon and watched the practice. Skirmish practice is the name of a new requirement that has been placed in the regulations governing target practice and which was tried for the first time yesterday. (...)"

W.D.Judson y est un des cinq Sergeants de la Troop 2 :
200 Yards       300 Yards    Total
4 3 2 4 3-16   3 2 4 4 3-16-   32

William D. Judson est présent aux habituelles manœuvres de Creedmoor :
May 5, 1901, Wednesday :
"SHOOTING AT CREEDMOOR; Squadron A Marksmen Occupy the Range in Class Practice. Skirmish Run Was Again the Feature of the Day - All Shooters Qualified as Marksmen.
CREEDMOOR, May 4. -- Squadron A.N. G.N.Y., occupied the range to-day, under the command of Major O.B. Bridgman. There were about 225 officers and men present of whom all qualified as marksmen. The weather was quite favorable in the forenoon, but a stiff wind came up in the afternoon, rendering it rather difficult at the long ranges (...)"

Ses résultats (au fusil) :
200 Yards       300 Yards     Total
4 3 4 4 4-19   4 3 3 3 3-16-   35

William D. Judson est promu first Sergeant le 27 Mai.

En décembre, il offre un trophée pour un challenge de tir au sein de sa Troop (New York Times, 8 Décembre 1902) :
"William D. Judson of Squadron A has presented a silver loving cup to the members of Troop 2 for competition In pistol and carbine practice for the purpose of encouraging and stimulating Interest In shooting. The cup will be competed for annually, and when won three times by the same man, not necessarily in succession, it will become his permanent property. The conditions under which the shoot will be conducted are : The trooper making the making the best aggregate of three scores at 30 yards with the pistol during the months of November, December, and January, and the Best aggregate score of three strings of 15 shots each with the carbine at 100, 200 and 300 yards during the months of February, March, and April, will be judged the winner and have his name inscribed on the cup together with his score. The scores with the carbine must be made consecutively, beginning at 100 yards, and on the same evening. Competitors must practice at least once each month, and the highest score in each month will be counted."

Le 23 Mai, William D. Judson fait partie des spectateurs qui utilisent le Coach (attelage) régimentaire pour assister au match de polo qui oppose deux équipes du Squadron A sur le terrain du Van Cortlandt Park.

William D. Judson accède à l'épaulette. Dix ans après avoir intégré le régiment, il est promu first Lieutenant le 31 Mars.

Cette année là le Squadron A participe à l'Inauguration du Président Roosevelt, fournissant le service d'escorte personnel du Président lors de sa parade d'investiture :

"Report of Major Oliver B. Bridgman, Squadron "A," N. G., N. Y.,
on the Service of His Command at the Inauguration of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1905.

NEW YORK, March 10, 1905.
Adjutant-General, State of New York, Albany, N. Y.:
Sir—In accordance with the request to President Roosevelt, which was approved by General Headquarters, and accepted by the President, Squadron "A" acted as his personal escort on the occasion of the inauguration ceremonies at Washington, D. C., Saturday, March 4, 1905.
Breakfast was arranged for at the armory on Friday morning, March 3rd, at 6.30. Boots and saddles was sounded at 7 o'clock; assembly, 7.30; Adjutant's call, 7.45. The Squadron, including the band of 18 pieces, consisted of 194 horses and men. Each man was allowed a suit case for his full dress uniform and the tin box for his busby. These were sent down on the wagons under charge of the Quartermaster's detail and a guard, loaded on the baggage car, just ahead of the arrival of the Squadron, which left its armory at 8 o'clock, and preceded by the mounted band, marched down Fifth Avenue to 25th Street, then west to the 24th Street ferry house of the Pennsylvania Railroad, where boats were taken to Jersey City, where "trains were waiting. Upon arrival in Jersey City, two trains wom rnade up. as follows: Train No. 1 consisted of one baggage car, ns Palace Horse Cars and .two passenger coaches. All the luggage of the Squadron and the horse equipments, packed in the kit bags, as soon as removed from the horses, were put in the luggage car of this section. The portion of the Squadron assigned to this section was as follows: The commanding officer and staff, the non-commissioned staff, Troop I and half of the band. Train I was made up of five Arms Palace Horse Cars and three passenger coaches; and the balance of the Squadron, consisting of Troops 2 and 3, the Hospital Corps and half of the band, were assigned to this section.
The first section left Jersey City at 11.50 and the second section about 12.45. The delay in leaving the Pennsylvania station was occasioned by the inadequate facilities for loading horses. The first section arrived in Washington about 9 o'clock that evening, but owing to the congestion of the freight yards horses were not unloaded and saddled ready to leave the station before 11.30 p. m. The second section arrived before the first section had been unloaded, and they left the station about one hour later. The Squadron marched in two sections from the freight yards of the Pennsylvania Road to the stables engaged for the use of the Squadron horses during the stay in Washington, corner D and 14th streets, about three miles from the station. After all the horses were unsaddled and equipments put away and stable inspected, the men were marched to the quarters in the Marcus Notes Furniture Building, corner D and 9th streets, N. W., where three floors had been engaged, arriving there about 2 a. m., Saturday, March 4th. Horses and men were all in good condition. Reveille was sounded at 6 a. m., March 4th, after which the men were permitted to leave the quarters for breakfast; Assembly was sounded at 7.30 at the quarters, when the Squadron was marched to the stables; boots and saddles was sounded at 8 o'clock; assembly at 8.30; Adjutant's call, 8.45.
Owing to our late arrival in Washington, no positive orders had been received from the Grand Marshal's office by the commanding officer as to what time he was expected to report at the White House, but the day before leaving New York he telegraphed Captain Ramsey of the Grand Marshal's staff, asking for any information as to the hour he would be expected to report with his command. Captain Ramsey replied promptly, stating that the Squadron would be expected to report on Pennsylvania Avenue, left resting on 15th street. at 9 o'clock a. m. Previous to the assembly being sounded on March 4th, I endeavored to get the official information by telephone, and finally drove to the War Department, where I received a copy of the order at twenty minutes before 9; drove immediately back to the stables where the Squadron was in waiting mounted ; immediately took up the march to the White House, arriving there at exactly 9 a. m. We remained there until the President entered his carriage, ready for the drive to the Capitol, when the Squadron formed "platoon front" and, preceded by the band, marched at the head of the President's carriage down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol, where it remained until after the ceremonies incident to the inauguration had taken place, when it again formed in the same position and took up the line of march back to the White House. As per instructions from the Grand Marshal, upon reaching the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street, the Squadron was broken into column of fours and took up a brisk trot, turned into the White House grounds, where it remained in rear of the reviewing stand until after the procession had passed, which was not until 6.30 that afternoon, after which it was immediately marched back to the stables, horses unsaddled and the men formed and marched to their quarters, arriving there about 7.20 p. m., when they were excused until the following morning when reveille was sounded at 6.30 a. m. (March 5). After breakfast and packing the equipments, etc., wagons were loaded with the baggage of the Squadron, men then marched to the stables, and the Squadron formed, mounted and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the special train in waiting. Horses were loaded and trains made .up in the same manner as on the trip to Washington from New York. The two sections left within a half hour of each other, the first section leaving at one o'clock p. m., and the second section at 1.30. The first section arrived in Jersey City at 9.15 p.m. and the second section at 10.15. The horses were unloaded, but the inadequate facilities, and the yard not being lighted, made the work slower than it would have been under ordinary circumstances. Each section, upon its arrival, marched direct to the armory, east through 24th Street, and up 5th Avenue, the first section arriving at about 12.45 Monday morning, March 6th, and the second .section about one hour later. All the horses and men were in excellent condition, and considering that this is about the largest number of horses and men taken out under one command for any such distance, and the hours the men were obliged to keep, and the work done in these two days, it was a severe test on the endurance of both horses and men. Attached hereto, please find a copy of letter from the Chief of Staff, Inaugural Parade.
Respectfully, OLIVER B. BRIDGMAN, Major.

Le rapport annuel de l'Adjutant-General nous renseigne sur l'état et les activités du régiment

Squadron A: The character of the men is excellent. Their knowledge of military affairs, and the efficient manner in which they turned out for inspection reflects great credit on the squadron commander and his officers, and shows a zealous desire on the part of every member of the squadron to make the organization a military one in every sense of the word. I believe the squadron would do excellent service in case of domestic emergencies."

Organization Station Special Inspection
Number of practice marches, Drills, and Days in Camp of Instruction Rifle practice figure of merit. Armed, uniformed and equiped. Conformity to United States Army organisation
Officers Enlisted men Total Per cent absent Practice marches. Camp of instruction (days) Drills.
Squadron A-

Hospital Corps
First Troop
Second Troop
Third Troop

New York
New York
New York
New York
New York










Total   18 236 254 5.90            
b Squadron A furnished 73 officers and enlisted men in the maneuvers at Manassas, Va.

At the inaugural ceremonies of President Roosevelt at Washington, D.C., on March 4, under special orders from this office, Brigadier-General George Moore Smith, commanding officer, First Brigade,was detailed to command the provisional brigade, which was composed of the following organizations, who volunteered their attendance, entirely at their on expense, and without any expectation whatever of reimbursement from the State."

William D. Judson sera promu Captain le 9 Novembre. Il commande maintenant la Troop 2.

En 1910, Judson sera toujours Captain - le plus ancien dans le grade au sein du Squadron A.

Il décèdera en Janvier 1943 à l'âge de 72 ans.
Parallèlement à son activité de au sein de la Garde Nationale, William Judson sera actif dans le commerce de textile, au sein notamment de la firme Parker & Wilder qu'il rejoint en 1897.