United Kingdom
15th (The King's) Hussars

Carte-de-Visite, Studio W.T.&R. Gowland in York 
Lieutenant, 15th Hussars

The regiment can be recognized through the regimental pattern pouch belt, as well as the busby with red plume.

The head-quarters of the 15th Hussars left Norwich for York on April 14th, 1868.
They will stay there for over a year before embarking for India, as related by The Times on August

 14th, 1869 :
"Yesterday the troopship Simoom arrived in the Mersey from Quebec, and landed the 13th Hussars, consisting of 19 officers, 7 officers' wives, and 10 officers' children, 403 men, 71 women, and 103 children. In the course of the day the troops left for York, and the Simoom at once proceeded to take on board the 15th Hussars, from York, and will take them round to Portsmouth, en route for Chichester, whence they will shortly leave for India."